
The year was 1975. I had just moved into my tiny dorm room on the 4th floor of Chinook Hall at U.W. Stout in Menomonee, Wisconsin. I had a few changes of clothes, a toothbrush, and my guitar. In other words, everything that I owned in this world was in the corner of my dorm room. I suppose it was scary at first because there wasn't one single person in the entire school that I knew......

But as the year progressed I made friends and somehow managed to find my classrooms. And it was then that I met a fellow named Lurch...... Now, you'd think that I would know Lurch's   actual   name,   but   honestly,   I   can't remember it.  I think it was Jeff or something like that - but to me and everyone on the floor, he was Lurch....

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Lurch loved to play guitar and was in the same place that I was in learning how to manage chords and play songs. So, whenever time permitted, we would get out our guitars and practice.  Lurch wasn't a singer, however, so when we finally began playing songs as a duo, I had to cover the singing. And although we were very raw at first, we got better and better as we went, adding more songs to our playlist each and every week.

But I had a different calling, even way back then. Songs were in my head. And I was finally finding a way to bring them out into the open. I remember writing my first song called "Ever Higher". Lurch and I had stumbled into a really cool finger picking technic where I would use one finger picking pattern, and he would use a different patten .... and the result was a surprisingly cool sound of blended chords struck in various notes up and down the fretboard. I used this technique to write "Ever Higher", and at the time, we would perform it as part of our playlist.

I would love to record the song today using the tools that are now available, but ALAS! I can no longer sing, so the song has died and is tucked away somewhere in the back of my and Lurch's mind!

But, to honor my first song EVER, I have recorded a song called "Daydreaming". It is an instrumental version of my very first song, "Ever Higher". I used my Dreadnought Acoustic guitar to record all the guitar parts, which is, by the way, the very same guitar that I was playing all those years ago.......

So, I hope you'll take a moment and step back in time and imagine yourself sitting in a smoky bar listening to Lurch and me perform....... Yeah, sort of a Daydream......

1975 Alvarez Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar.